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高考Test|2014年“上外杯”上海市高三英语竞赛初赛试卷 ...









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初 赛 试 卷


I. Grammar and Vocabulary (1*20)
Directions: Beneath each of thefollowing sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose theanswer that best completes the sentence.
1.Although his father is ______ and his mother is _______, Josh, like many othersecond-generation immigrants, sees himself as ______.
A.English … a French … an American
B.an English … French … American
C.an English … a French … American
D.English … French … an American
2. The king ofhearts is the only one of the kings in a set of playing cards who ______ mustache.
A.doesn’t have          B. don’t have              C. doesn’t have a              D. don’t have a
3. It was ______ first discovered and published T.S.Eliot’s famous poem The Waste Land.
A. them who              B.they who                C. them that                       D. they whose
4.His voice ______ as he reaches puberty, the teen pop sensation is struggling tohit high notes.  
A.breaks                    B. breaking                 C. has broken                    D. broken
5.Only when the age-old distrust between the two nations is overcome _________ tothe area.
A.lasting peace will be restored                   B.will lasting peace be restored
C.will be lasting peace restored                   D.will be restored lasting peace
6.It is such a delicate face that the girl has ______ she looks like someonestraight out of a painting.
A.as                           B. that                         C. which                            D. who
7. Today, none of the artist’s other works is__________ this one.
A. fondly remembered as                              B. fondly remembered such as
C. as fondly remembered as                         D. such fondly remembered as
8.In the not-too-distant future, across the wasteland of ______, a lone warriormust fight to save the future of humanity.
A. what once was America                           B. which once was America
C. what America once was                           D. where once was America
9.In order to be eligible to play in playoffs, players ______ present forat least 50 percent of games for the team they are registered on.
A.may have been                                         B.must have been     
C.could have been                                       D.should have been
10.She said she would have sent a car for me ________ that I was arriving today.
A.if it didn’t slip her mind
B.if it weren’t to slip her mind
C.had it not slipped her mind
D.shouldn’t it slipped her mind
11. Unable to take his mind off things, Jacob lay______ half the night last night.
A. woken                   B.awaken                  C. awake                    D. awoke
12. It ______ everyone that the couple, who alwaysappeared very happy together, announced they were getting a divorce.
A. entertained             B.astonished              C. frightened              D. moved
13. The only witness to the crime battled with his______ over whether he should testify in court.
A. consciousness        B.subconscious         C. conscience             D. intellect
14. The store ______ to refund your money if you arenot satisfied with your purchase.
A. guarantees             B.proposes                C. ceases                    D. threatens
15.The company’s share price ______ overnight after it reported a quarterly lossof $132 million.
A.vibrated                 B. plunged                  C. resumed                 D. splurged
16. The recipe book may tell you to add butter, butfor those on a diet, there are a number of low-fat ______ that can be used inthis soup.
A. alternatives            B.selections               C. productions            D. utensils
17.The final is also extremely important for the home team as they seek to ______the humiliating defeat a month ago at the hands of their long-time rivals.
A.revenge           B. repay                             C. avenge                   D. reverse
18.The investigation concluded that Dr. Dalton had been ______ in not giving thepatient a full examination, and for that the doctor has been suspended.
A.sensitive          B. cautious                        C. proficient              D. negligent
19.Ryan is the kind of person who always makes plans in advance, while his wife ismuch more ______.
A.generous        B. simultaneous               C. spontaneous          D. glamorous
20. In surveys, a majority of doctors express weakenedenthusiasm for medicine and say they would ______ a friend or family member to enterthe profession.
A. prohibit           B.discourage                    C.distinguish             D. distract

II. Cloze (1*30)
Directions: For each blank in thefollowing passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill ineach blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.


Dogs are often said tolook like their owners, but the breed someone chooses could also reveal keyaspects of their personality, psychologists claim.
       Theyfound that people __21__ different types of dog depending on their lifestyleand character, though they typically don’t realize it.
Corgi owners, such as theQueen, tend to be extroverted,__22__Sir Isaac Newton’s Pomeranian could have signaled that he was creative andintelligent, the study suggested. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s choice ofa cocker spaniel puppy, Lupo, may__23__that they are agreeable and conscientious,while owners of greyhounds and beagles are more likely to be emotionallystable.
This could be because,like in a romantic relationship, we tend to __24__ ourselves with pets that wefeel we share something in common with, researchers from Bath Spa Universityfound.
It could also __25__ ourlifestyle, with active dogs like retrievers and greyhounds appealing more topeople who enjoy spending time __26__, they added.
Dr. Lance Workman and JoFearon surveyed 1,000 dog owners via an online questionnaire on behalf of theKennel Club.
The questions weredesigned to test the so-called “Big Five” traits that __27__ our personality:extroversion, agreeableness, emotional stability, conscientiousness andintelligence.
Dr. Workman said there wasa definite link between a dog’s __28__andtheir owner’s personality. “I think when you look for a dog at some level,largely __29__, you look for something that is a bit like you,” he said. “It’sa bit like a romantic partner. If they __30__ they will probably last, andcontrary to popular opinion, with romantic partners opposites don’t attract—youneed to have a lot __31__ if it’s going to last.”
But it also has to suityour lifestyle, he added. If you’re going to get a(n)__32__breed, you needto be an outdoor type person.
Someone’s choice of dogcould also reveal __33__ personality traits that do not immediately come acrossfrom watching them or listening to them speak.
The Queen’s __34__ forcorgis, for example, may signal that she is more extroverted than she appearsto be, Dr. Workman explained.
He said, “It takes a lotto get up and stand up in front of the number of people she does as often asshe does, and give a good talk, and at the same time she has to be controlledas the head of state. __35__ the minor royals can party, she’s never been ableto do that, so I think the personality that we see appears less extrovertedthan she actually is.”

21. A. are aware of                                 B. are drawntowards
  C. are compared to                           D.are disrespectful to
22. A. if                      B. while               C.as if                 D. because
23. A. confess             B. propose           C.reflect              D. announce
24. A. match               B. contrast           C.confuse           D. provide
25. A. change            B. result in           C.be down to      D. interact with
26. A. working           B. planning          C.indoors          D. outdoors
27. A. combine           B. govern            C.outweigh         D. examine
28. A. size                  B. breed               C.temperament  D. origin
29. A. subconsciously                           B. knowingly     
C. indifferently                               D.distinctively
30. A. figure out                                     B. team up
C. break down                                  D.fit in
31. A. in common       B. to offer            C. at hand            D.on hold
32. A. fashionable      B. luxurious         C. energetic         D.glamorous
33. A. hidden              B. positive           C.negative          D. evident
34. A. tolerance          B. capacity          C. talent              D.fondness
35. A. Since                B. Whereas          C.For                  D. As long as


       Many high achievers credit music with openingup the pathways to creative thinking. And their __36__suggest that music training sharpens other qualities, such as collaboration, theability to listen, and a way of thinking that weaves together __37__.
Will your school music program turnyour kid into a Paul Allen, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft (guitar)?Or a Woody Allen (clarinet)? __38__. These are singularachievers. But the way these and other visionaries process music is __39__. As is the way many of them __40__music’s lessons of focus and discipline to new ways of thinking andcommunicating—even problem solving.
Look carefully and you’ll findmusicians at the top of almost any __41__. Woody Allen performs weekly with ajazz band. The television broadcaster Paula Zahn (cello) and the NBC chiefWhite House correspondent Chuck Todd (French horn) attended college on musicscholarships. Microsoft’s Mr. Allen has a rock band. Larry Page, a co-founderof Google, played saxophone in high school. Steven Spielberg is a clarinetistand son of a pianist. The former World Bank president James D. Wolfensohn hasplayed cello at Carnegie Hall.
“It’s not a(n)__42__,” says Alan Greenspan, formerchairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve. Mr. Greenspan was a professional clarinetand saxophone player. “I can tell you as a statistician, the probability thatthat is mere chance is __43__.” The cautious former Fed chief adds, “That’s allthat you can judge about the facts. The crucial question is: why does that __44__exist?”
Paul Allen offers an answer. He saysmusic “reinforces yourconfidencein the ability to __45__.” Mr. Allenbegan playing the violin at age seven and switched to the guitar as a teenager.Even in the early days of Microsoft, he would pick up his guitar at the end ofmarathon days of programming. The music was the emotional analog to his __46__,with each channeling a different type of creative impulse. __47__, there is“something pushing you to __48__ what currently exists and express yourself ina new way,” he says.
The veteran advertising executiveSteve Hayden__49__ his backgroundas a cellist for his most famous work, the Apple “1984” commercial depictingrebellion against a dictator. He adds that his cello performance backgroundhelps him work __50__: “Ensemble playing trains you, quite literally, to playwell with others, to know when to solo and when to follow.”

36.A. rules                 B. reports             C. commitments         D. experiences
37.A. people              B. ideas               C. enemies                D. arguments
38.A. Probably not                               B.You bet
   C. It depends                                    D. Very likely
39.A. odd                  B. threatening      C. intriguing              D. shocking
40.A. reduce              B. apply               C. switch                    D. leave
41.A. branch              B. culture             C. industry                  D. country
42.A. problem           B. evidence         C. coincidence            D. clue
43.A. extremely low                             B.unusually high
   C. incredibly mysterious                 D. highly relevant
44.A. example           B. connection      C. solution                  D. demand
45.A. listen                B. create              C. program                 D. dominate
46.A. project              B. pastime           C. addiction                D. day job
47.A. In both                                         B.On the other hand
   C. By contrast                                   D. For example
48.A. go over                                        B.look beyond
   C. stick with                                    D.give in to
49.A. credits              B. describes         C. criticizes                 D. regards
50.A. independently  B. intuitively        C. collaboratively     D. skillfully

III. Reading
Directions: Read the followingpassages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passageyou have just read.


April  12  Rainy
Today, I  arrived at my friend Worawut’s house outside of Bangkok for the holidays. His  family was doing a spring-cleaning of their pretty wooden house in  preparation for Songkran Festival. They put their hands together to greet me  with a traditional gesture called the wai.
April  13  Cloudy
      That smells wonderful! The  women were cooking Thai foods for the next day’s ceremonies. We men went to  the river and brought lots of sand to the village wat. The wat was a  beautiful Buddhist temple where the monks lived. We left the sand in piles  near the wat.
April  14  Sunny
We all dressed up and  went to the village wat. The monks waited with their bowls at a long table.  Monks are used to a life of sacrifice and discipline, but not today. We  filled their bowls with rice and all kinds of palatable foods. Everyone  smiled and music played as the monks ate. After that, we attended the bathing  ceremony. We poured water over little stone Buddhas. Young people poured some  sweet water into the hands of older people to show respect for them. Outside,  everyone used sand we had brought to make sand pagodas.
April  15  Sunny
Today was the last day  of the festival, and Worawut told me to get ready for some water throwing. We  put lots of buckets of water on the truck and drove into the village.  Everyone was throwing buckets of water. Nobody escaped dry! On such a hot  day, the water felt really good. I can’t wait to come back next year!

51.The passage is most probably taken from _______.
A.a festival poster
B.a traveler’s festival journal
C.a festival brochure
D.a traveler’s festival poem
52.According to the passage, Songkran Festival is held _______.
A.in middle April
B.when the weather turns cold
C.in the beginning of April
D.at the end of April
53.During Songkran Festival, if young people in Thailand want to show respect forolder people, they should _______.
A.cook various kinds of foods for older people
B.take sand from the river, and then use the sand to make pagodas for olderpeople
C.pour smelly water all over older people
D.pour the water that smells good into the hands of older people
54.The writer wants to come back to Thailand next year, mainly because _______.
A.the throwing of water made him feel joyful
B.the delicious Thai foods left him with a deep impression
C.his friend Worawut treated him very well
D.dancing with the monks brought him a lot of fun


Populationand climate

The human population on Earth hasgrown to the point that it is having an effect on Earth’s atmosphere andecosystems. Burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, urbanization, andcultivation of rice and cattle are increasing the concentration of carbondioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust in the atmosphere. About 70 percent of theSun’s energy passes through the atmosphere and strikes Earth’s surface. Thisradiation heats the surface of the land and ocean, and these surfaces thenreradiate infrared radiation back into space. This allows Earth to avoidheating up too much. However, not all of the infrared radiation makes it intospace; some is absorbed by gases in the atmosphere and is reradiated back toEarth’s surface. A greenhouse gas is one that absorbs infrared radiation andthen reradiates some of this radiation back to Earth. Carbon dioxide andnitrogen oxides are greenhouse gases. In fact, without greenhouse gases in theatmosphere, scientists calculate that Earth would be about 33 cooler than it currentlyis.
The current concentration of carbondioxide in the atmosphere is about 360 parts per million. Human activities are having a major influence on atmospheric carbondioxide concentrations, which are rising so fast that current predictions madeby scientists are that atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide will doublein the next 50 to 100 years.
Some scientists predict that adoubling of carbon dioxide concentration will raise global temperaturesanywhere between 1.4 and 4.5. Theincrease in temperature will not be uniform,with the smallest changes at the equator and changes two or three times asgreat at the poles. The local effects of these global changes are difficult topredict, but it is generally agreed that they may include alterations in oceancurrents, increased winter flooding in some areas of the Northern Hemisphere, ahigher incidence of summer drought in some areas, and rising sea levels, whichmay flood low-lying countries.

55.It can be inferred from the passage that one positive aspect of greenhousegases is that they _______.
A.remove pollutants from Earth’s atmosphere and ecosystems
B.absorb 70 percent of the Sun’s energy
C.help keep Earth warm
D.double atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide
56.Which of the sentences below BEST summarizes the highlighted sentence?
A.The rapid rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations is mostly caused byhuman activities.
B.Human activities will no longer have an influence on atmospheric carbon dioxideconcentrations in the next 50 to 100 years.
C.Some scientists predict that atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations will notincrease in the next 50 to 100 years.
D.Some scientists recently predict that atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrationsthat are largely influenced by human activities will double in the next 50 to100 years.
57.The word “uniform” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.
58.What are the local effects of global changes?
A.Sea levels will fall.
B.The effects will not occur in some regions of the world.
C.The local plants and forests will be permanently damaged.
D.It is hard to know exactly what form the local effects will take.
59.Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Raising livestock and growing rice are the actions of humans.
B.The surface of the land and ocean can help decrease the temperature of Earth.
C. Although carbon dioxide concentration may double inthe future, temperatures at the North Pole and South Pole may not change.
D.Nitrogen oxides absorb infrared radiation that can increase the temperature ofEarth.


Detailedguidance on analytical feature

The definition of an analyticalfeature
    Hard news is the kind of fast-paced newsthat usually appears on newspapers, magazines and some other mediums. Becauseeach story is only relevant for a short time, writing must be concise andwithout excessive detail. Like a hard news story, an analytical featurealso appeares on newspapers, magazines or on the web. However, an analyticalfeature covers a topic in some depth. It examines important issues or events indetail, provides more interpretation and background information for readersthan hard news. Writing an analytical feature means looking for patterns,motives and outcomes that explain the event, issue or problem.
An analytical feature should be basedon an investigation of documents in the public domain (archives, libraries,scholarships, local offices) and interview with people with knowledge relatedto the topic.
Step by step guide to feature writing
    1. Select a topic.
2. Make a list of preliminaryquestions to establish what needs to be known about the topic. Here are some ofthe basic questions that a feature addresses:
What is the problem?
What institutions and people areinvolved?
What is the standing point?
What causes the problem?
What are the possible consequences?
3. List your sources—people,institutions, documents, books, articles that are likely to have informationand answers to your questions.
4. Refine your questions: decide whatyou are going to look at in the written documents and what you are going to askyour potential sources.
5. Arrange your appointments/interviews/archivalsearch in a logical sequence, following the plan for your basic questions.
6. Conduct interviews—know preciselywhat information you are trying to get from each source.
7. Write an outline that sets up thestructure of the feature.
8. Go back to your notes, organizeinformation, compare and contrast data, analyze material, identify missinginformation, expand the list of sources, conduct new interviews.
9. Write the feature.
Analytical feature structure
THE INTRO: The most important functionof the introduction is to make the readers want to read on.
THE BODY OF THE FEATURE: The contentof the feature will vary depending on the subject matter, style of publication,perceived interests of the readers and intentions of the journals. The followingpoints are what you should include in the body of your feature:
·Facts—include them at appropriatepoints throughout the text rather than in chunks.
·Quotes—can bring writing to life;inject authority and powerful expression into the piece. Think carefully whichbits of your research to quote and which bits to translate into your own words,as the simple facts of a story do not normally need to be told through directquotes.
·Description—let the readers see whatyou are seeing, show rather than tell.
·Analysis—can be provided by expertswho have conducted relevant research but it may be also provided by ordinarypeople with direct knowledge and involvement. Your own analysis of the topicshould be based on extensive research and supported by evidence.
THE ENDING: Aim to provide a roundedending of the text either in a form of summary, twist, quote or a return to thescene of the introduction.

60.The guidance on analytical feature is most probably taken from _______.
A.a book for news writing
B.a movie script
C.a school admission brochure
D.a book for interview preparation
61.Unlike a hard news story, an analytical feature _______.
A.is only published in in-depth magazines, instead of in newspapers or websites
B.investigates issues or events behind the news
C.interprets issues or events clearly and concisely without excessive detail
D.covers a couple of topics
62.Before you write an analytical feature, you should do all the following EXCEPT_____________.
A.preparing the questions for your interviews
B. writing a sketchy summary of themain points of the feature
C. sorting out and analyze theinformation and data you collect
D. filming and recording the issue orevent you want to investigate
63. When you write the body of ananalytical feature, you should _______.
A. summarize the main idea of thefeature
B. be in concert with the openingparagraph
C. introduce the topic of the feature
D. analyze the topic based on yourresearch
64. Which section tells you the basicorganization of an analytical feature?
A.The definition of an analytical feature.
B.Analytical feature structure.
C.Step by step guide to feature writing.
D.A good analytical feature.

With homework loadsincreasing and the piano, foreign languages and the International MathematicalOlympiad taking over the rest of their time, children today have very littleopportunity to simply play.
According to experts, freeplay, unconstrained by time and not structured by adults, is crucial to achild’s development. It helps children strengthen social bonds, build emotionalmaturity, develop cognitive skills, and shore up their physical health. And itprepares children’s brain for life, love and even schoolwork.
Nowadays, a growing numberof parents think that children should be allowed to play, or explore, everywaking hour. Instead of sending their kids to a formal school with classes,teachers and schedules, they leave them to their own devices to learn about theworld. It is a controversial yet increasingly popular method of educationcalled “unschooling.”
Mr. Hewitt, the father oftwo unschooled boys, is the author of a new book on the method. His boys spendtheir days in a true Huckleberry Finn fashion, exploring in the woods andhelping out on the family farm. They both learned how to read and writeessentially with zero instruction around age eight. They can add, subtract,multiply and divide. They can also catch fishes, start a fire and cook them ona hot stone.
Unlike in traditionalhome-schooling, where children follow a curriculum under a parent’ssupervision, unschooled children have the freedom to decide what and when tolearn, be it reading, art, math or distinguishing between insect species.
Unschooling is not a newphenomenon. The movement started in the 1970s, popularized by educator JohnHolt, and became an alternative to the largely religiously motivatedhome-schooling. However, the United States Department of Education does notdistinguish between home-schooled and unschooled children, so there are noofficial statistics on the movement. But according to Mr. Hewitt, it isgenerally accepted that the number of unschoolers is around 10 percent of allhome-schooled children, which now make up three percent of all students.
Critics still worry,however, about both the children’s socialization and their academicperformance. “There is no empirical evidence to suggest that unschooling isbeneficial to learners, especially when it comes to reading,” SandraMartin-Chang, a researcher at Concordia University, says. “We have done lots ofresearch on guided learning, scaffolding, expert vs. non-expert teaching andall of it points to the fact that learning by doing is great, but learning bydoing with an expert is better.”
Curious about how thesechildren have lived in the structured world, Peter Gray, a psychology professorat Boston College, conducted a survey of grown unschoolers. Many of them enterinto higher education and succeed, being highly motivated and self-directedfrom the very beginning of their education.
They may have a hard timeadjusting to schedules, but because it was their decision to attend college,they are often more diligent than their peers, Mr. Gray says. He adds thatbecause during childhood they interacted with children of all ages, they reporta better social life, though they are discouraged by the others’ lax attitude,the partying and the drinking.
Of the grown unschoolerssurveyed, 78 percent are financially self-sufficient, Mr. Gray says, choosingcareers that are extensions of their childhood interests, and are enjoyable andmeaningful, rather than lucrative. Many of them pursue careers in the arts, anda high percentage are entrepreneurs or enter science and technology careers.Few go into middle management.
But while unschoolingseems to produce successful adults, it is not exactly a method that facilitatesequal opportunity. Though Mr. Gray says unschooling is the right solution forany child, unless they suffer from a severe developmental disorder such asautism, many families simply would not be able to afford it. The parents tendto come from educated backgrounds, but “if you home-school or unschool, you arecutting out some of your income,” the home-schooling advocate Patrick Farengasays.
“Everyone we know whounschools, in fact, has chosen autonomy over affluence,” Mr. Hewitt says. “Someyears we are barely above the poverty line. But the truth is, unschooling isnot merely an educational choice. It is a lifestyle choice.”

65.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of free play to children?
A.Making preparations for schoolwork.
B.Developing cognitive skills.
C.Building emotional bonds.
D.Keeping their body healthy.
66.What does “a Huckleberry Finn fashion” mentioned in paragraph 4 most probably referto?
A.A popular method of education.
B.A lifestyle full of adventures.
C.A way to learn mathematics.
D.A skill of catching and cooking fishes.
67.According to paragraphs 5&6, which of the following statements is TRUEabout unschooling?
A.Unschooling, starting in the 1970s, was popularized by educator John Holt andlater became an alternative to the school education.
B.There are no official statistics of unschooling because unschoolers are countedtogether with home-schooled children.
C.It is generally accepted that the number of unschooled and home-schooledchildren make up three percent of all students.
D.Unschooling gives children the freedom to choose what and when to learn likehome-schooling.
68.Sandra Martin-Chang’s attitude towards unschooling is ________.
A.unschooling has a lot of benefits to learners
B.unschooling is better than learning with experts
C.unschooling improves children’s academic performance
D.unschooling is not as good as expert teaching
69.What can we learn from Peter Gray’s survey of grown unschoolers’ life in thestructured world?
They enter into highereducation and succeed.
They feel easy toadjust to schedules.
They are morediligent and sociable than their peers.
They choose careersin the field of management.
A.①②    B. ②③    C. ①③    D. ③④
70.It can be inferred from the sentence “… has chosen autonomy over affluence” inthe last paragraph that ________.
A.unschoolers choose a free lifestyle over wealth
B.most families are not able to afford unschooling
C.unschooling makes many unschoolers live in poverty
D.money is not as important as education

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