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发表于 2020-6-19 19:52:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式









(一)内容(满分 8)
7-8 分:内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。
5-6 分:内容基本切题,意思大致连贯,表达基本清楚、但不够完整。
2-4 分:内容不够切题,意思不够连贯,表达不够清楚、有些离题。
0-1 分:文不对题,表达不清。

(二)语言(满分 8)
词数:每少 5 个单词扣 0.5 分,以此类推。只写出个别单词、词不成句不给分。
拼写:每处错误扣 0.5 分,同一错误不重复计数。
语法:每处错误扣 0.5 分,同一语法错误不重复扣分。
标点符号、大小写:每两处错误扣 0.5 分,但扣分总和不超过 1 分。

三)组织结构(满分 4)
内容充实,上下文连贯,用语规范,表达准确,无语法错误;词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给 3-4 分。
内容充实,不写废话,上下文连贯,用语规范,表达准确,无或少见语法错误;词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给 2 分。
一般情况下,内容和语言累计得分在 15 分以上者(含),方可得到 1-2 分组织结构分。
内容和语言在 15 分以下者,如文中有值得肯定的好的句型和表达,可酌情考虑给 1 分组织结构分。





要点:1) 你觉得最令你感动、敬佩的人是谁;2) 你为什么觉得他/她最让你感动、敬佩;3) 你最想给他/她说的话。
★ 范文
The fight against NCP has lasted for several weeks. During the fight, doctors and nurses are like heroes—they protect us and they fight for us. My aunt, a doctor, moved me a lot.
For the past years, my aunt was just an ordinary relative for me. But the decision she made on Jan 23rd changed my thought completely—she asked to go to Wuhan to help the patients there. Though her daughter is only three years old, she decided to leave for Wuhan. For her, it is the thing that she must do. I was really moved.
I want to tell my aunt that I am proud of her and I hope she can keep healthy and come back safely.

新型冠状病毒(Novel coronavirus)引发的具有传染性的病毒性肺炎影响了人们的生活。请你用英文写一篇短文,谈谈如何预防新型冠状病毒肺炎(NCP)。要点如下:1. 减少外出;2. 外出时佩戴口罩;3. 勤洗手;4. ……
参考词汇:防菌口罩 antiseptic mask

★ 范文

Because of Novel coronavirus, we Chinese have had a special Spring Festival. Nobody wants to get the disease, but how should we prevent NCP and protect ourselves? Here are my suggestions.
First, we should try not to go outdoors and we should avoid going to places where there are many people. Second, whenever we go out, we should wear antiseptic masks. They can protect us from catching the frightening disease. Third, we should develop a habit of washing our hands frequently. Last but not least, we should drink more water, have more rest and do proper amount of sports at home, which will certainly make us stronger.
I strongly believe we can keep healthy if we follow the suggestions.



2019 年 9 月澳大利亚发生山火,持续燃烧多月,导致多达 10 亿只动物死亡,整个野生动植物和生态系统遭到巨大破坏。一时间,保护野生动物牵动了全球人民的心,许多国家、地区的大量志愿者前往澳大利亚为保护野生动物贡献一份自己的力量。

参考词汇:protect 保护cut down 砍倒take part in 参与in danger 处于危险中
素材推荐:Care for wild animals, protect the beautiful home!关爱野生动物,保护美好家园!Please be good friends with animals.请和动物,做好朋友。Don't let man be the last animal.不要让人类成为最后一种动物。
请以“Protecting wild animals”为题,写一篇不少于 80 词的短文。提示:1. 考虑保护野生动物的原因。2. 具体可以采取哪些保护措施。
★ 范文Protecting wild animals
There are fewer and fewer wild animals in the world. So we must take action to protect them. What should we do then?
First of all, don't cut down trees any more, otherwise animals won't have any place to live in. Then, don't wear clothes made of animal fur. Moreover, don't take part in any wildlife trade. At last, governments should make laws to protect animals in danger. These laws can prevent people from hunting and killing wild animals on the danger list.

地球是我们人类共同的家园,人类只有一个地球。“低碳、环保”已成为当今时代主题。目前,我市英语学会准备在全市中学生中开展以“Save(拯救)our earth”为主题的英文征文活动。现请你根据以下三个方面的提示,写一篇80词左右的短文参评。

1. 重要性:只有一个地球2. 主要问题:污染、疾病、灾难3. 措施:停止污染、保护大自然
参考词汇:disaster n. 灾难 protect v. 保护

★ 范文Let's Do Something to Save Our Environment
It is recently reported that some rivers and lakes have dried up in South China. A lot of fishes died. The bottoms of the rivers and lakes have become grass land. The water is becoming less and less because of the bad weather.
So everyone should do something to save our environment. First, we should save every drop of water, such as turning off the taps after using it and recycling the water. For example, we can water the plants and clean the rest room with our used water. Second, we should save energy, such as less turning on the lights and turning off the lights when we leave; Do more walking, more bicycling and less driving and so on. Third, we should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories.
Let's act now from everything to save our environment. Don't let our tears be the last drop of water in the world!



(一)As we all know 款(应用议论文居多/记叙文亦可)
1. There is no doubt that ...(句子)
2. There is no denying that...
3. No one can deny the fact that...(句子)
4. It is undeniable that..
5. Needless to say, (句子)(注意此句后面是逗号)
6. It goes without saying that...(句子)
7. It is common knowledge that...(句子)
8. It is widely accepted that.....(句子)
9. It is obvious that....(句子)
10. It is generally/commonly/believed that....(句子)
11. As is well-known to the public that...

1. It is said that... 据说...
2. It is reported that...据报道...

1. With the rapid/fast increase/growth of (population) ..随着(人口)的快速增长
2. With the rapid advance/development of (science and technology), ......随着(科技)的飞速发展/进步,...
3. With the great progress of ( science of technology), ... 随着(科技) 的巨大进步,
4. With the approaching/coming of ( senior high school entrance exam)

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1. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw/reach/arrive at the conclusion that …(议论文较多)Accordingly/Consequently/As a result, it is not difficult to draw/reach/arrive at the conclusion that...2. In a word/To sum up/ On the whole, we should pay close attention to sth …(议论文)3. Only in this way can we (have a bright future). (倒装句型,可接承句型 2)4. As long as ...只要 (连词后接句子多种文体)5.  so..that 的变形倒装句型(适用多种文体):So excited and crazy were the fans that Swift hid back the gate. 6. The 比较级, the 比较级(多种文体)7. I firmly/strongly believe that...(多种文体) I have a strong/firm belief that... I am deeply convinced that...


2019.Don't judge a book by its coverMany people, sometimes myself included, tend to judge a person by his appearances.
I was afraid of my uncle who has a scared tattoo on his arm till my mother told me a “story”. When I was a three-year-old naught boy, I always ran around the neighborhood with my toy saber. Unfortunately, one day I hit a wild dog by accident. The dog became crazy and tried to bite me. It was that time my uncle appeared and protected me with his strong arm. However, this accident left a scar on his arm. My uncle went to get a tattoo in order to cover up the scars. From that moment, he is my hero instead of a bad looking uncle.
Therefore, we need to go beyond people’s looks and focus on more internal spirits in order to truly judge a person.

2019.Honesty is goldHonesty, as far as I am concerned, is one of the most important virtues in one’s life. And if you keep honest to others, you will receive the honesty as well.Instead, if you lie to someone, the only you can get is another lie.
When I was seven years old, my desk mate Tom bought a new pencil box. It looks so pretty that I liked it very much. Shamefully, I took his pencil box without telling him anything and he cried a lot when he found that his pencil box was gone. After several days, I can’t bear this kind of contradiction, so I returned his pencil box and confessed that it was me who had stolen his pencil box. To my surprise, he didn’t blame me but gave it back to me as a gift.
From then on, I realized that I can never lie to anyone again. Honesty is a must not only for friendship but also for our whole society as it is the fundamental thing between people and the stability of the development of our motherland.

2018.My progresLife is full of ups and downs, so is my middle school life.
I used to be a shy girl who dare not exchange my ideas with my classmates, which is extremely bad for my study. Therefore, I made up my mind to become more outgoing. At first, it was tough for me to involve myself in the group discussion or to join in after-school activities. Luckily, with the encouragement from my friends, I managed to express my own thoughts and do some volunteering in my spare time. It seems that I am not that shy girl any more, which is definitely a great progress I have ever made.
    Just as an old saying goes, a thousand-li journey begins with the first step. However difficult it is, I should take the first step and make progress little by little.

2017.There is always hopeI visited Guzhuang Village in Guangxi with my mother last year. The children are of my age but live a different life: potato is their daily food and meat is a luxury; parents work in big cities and seldom come back; their classroom is a “shelter”- cold in winter and hot in summer.
Their life is full of hardship, however, I can see hope and happiness in their eyes: the hope that their life will be changed with their own efforts.
Stephen Hawking once said “ Nobody should lose hope however bad the situation is”. I couldn’t really understand this until that day.

2016.I’m ReadyI have always been longing for studying abroad, which is full of challenges as well as opportunities. Therefore, what I should do is to get ready anytime.
As they say, chance favors the prepared mind. I always get myself ready both physically and mentally. First, I insist on taking exercise regularly to build up my body. Besides, I spare no effort to learn English well in order to integrate into the new environment as soon as possible. Last but not least, it is necessary to cultivate a shinny optimistic attitude towards difficulties.
With great passion and determination, I am well prepared and deeply convinced that a challenging but fulfilling study life is waiting for me.

2015. I want to invent a time machine

As a student who is experiencing unprecedented modern life nowadays, I would rather learn about the history and the future life of human being from a real experience than learn from a textbook. That’s why if I can work as a great inventor, inventing a time machine will be my first choice. The most important usage of my time machine will be visiting one of best schools in Tang Dynasty. As we all know, Tang Dynasty is famous for its open-minded education. Therefore, when I visit the school of the ancient city, I can not only try different ways of studying butcommunicate with people from different countries as well. Using a time machine is the most vivid way to learn history as it is both a record of mankind and a mirror of past, I am looking forward to the day when my time machine comes out.


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闵行 普陀 黄浦 奉贤 嘉定
作者:匿名查看:13500回复:135零点之前的上中梦 (零)在一切都太晚之前,想写些
来源:上海教育委员会官网 网址:http://edu.sh.gov.cn/ 上海市教育委员会最新发布202
资料引用:上海市教委、上海12333 近日,上海市教育委员会公布了《关于做好2022年上
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